Leather and fur are exquisite materials that get stained easily but are nearly impossible to clean at home.

As these are organic materials, it is hard to predict how they will react with cleaning solutions’. It is for this reason that many dry cleaners will not attempt Leather/Suede cleaning.

We on the other hand have enlisted the help of a leather specialist who has years of leather/suede cleaning experience. Our specialist collects from us on a weekly basis (and returns the garment one week later) and their leather/suede/fur results are exceptional. They are leading experts for all leather and suede, cleaning, restoration and tailoring and are specifically trained in the most modern techniques of leather care.

There are some important things that our specialists would like our customers to know prior to sending their leather/suede/fur garment in for cleaning:

  • Consumers should be aware of the presence of imperfections in new garments and should check for them at the point of purchase.
  • Correct storage of suede and leather is very important to their longevity.
  • Pollution, humidy and light should be avoided. Store in a cotton bag (i.e. pillow cases), and keep in a dry part of the house to avoid humidity and mildew.
  • Over wearing a garment and lack of maintenance will permanently damage it. Ideally, garments should be cleaned (and reproofed if required) at the end of each season.

* Please note, our Leather and Suede Service takes between 6-10 days.

Centennial Dry Cleaners

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Centennial Dry CleanersHighest quality dry cleaning performed in stores owned by the President of the Dry Cleaning Institute of NSW.

Centennial Dry Cleaners