Ski Apparel is usually expensive and is something you wish to preserve so that you can get years of use from it.

Ski Wear also requires a high level of expertise in order to keep it in good condition.

Cleaning your Ski Wear at home can be hazardous to the garments. Certain solutions “can negatively influence the functionality of the fabric’s membrane” (Silvia Frank – Chemist) and experts acknowledge that it is very difficult to clean ski gear at home without damaging the fabric. The staff at Centennial Dry Cleaners are experts at cleaning and reproofing your ski wear.

What is Reproofing?

One way to protect against winter weather (rain, snow) is to reproof your garments. Reproofing is a process which makes the fibres in the fabric water repellant without stopping it from breathing. It is excellent for wet weather clothing and in particular for your ski apparel, as it makes it more water resistant.

Next time you have your ski/wet weather garments cleaned, speak to a Centennial Dry Cleaners representative about having it reproofed!

* Please note, our Ski Wear Clean & Reproof Service takes between 2-4 days.

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Centennial Dry CleanersHighest quality dry cleaning performed in stores owned by the President of the Dry Cleaning Institute of NSW.

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