We understand that your business shirts must be immaculate, as they are a reflection of you in the workplace.

To create the best possible finish we use state of the art shirt units and then hand finish them to give them that extra special touch.

We pay extra attention to shirt collar and cuffs, pre treating them to eliminate grime stains. We have specialised staff dedicated to the laundering and pressing of your shirts and prior to packaging, quality control staff check each shirt.

We can also vary starch levels depending on how crisp you like your business shirt to be.

Shirt Cleaning Methods
Business Shirts and Fitted Shirts (or tailored shirts) are cleaned using two different methods. Below is an explanation of each shirt and how it is cleaned.

If you are unsure what type of shirt you are leaving for cleaning, please speak to your Centennial Dry Cleaners Representative when you visit the store. Alternatively, we will clean your business shirt using the method that will best maintain the shirt’s fabric and shape.

The maintenance of your shirt is of the utmost importance to us.

Business Shirts
Regular business shirts are most commonly worn. Their shape is loose, rather than tailored. Business Shirts are laundered, pressed on a shirt unit and finished with a hand iron.

Fitted Shirts
Shirts with a tailored/fitted shape. Many (but not all) are made from elastine based fabrics and are dry cleaned or gentle washed to retain the shirt’s shape. Fitted shirts are hand pressed rather than on a shirt unit.

Centennial Dry Cleaners

Learn more about our Specialist services for Wedding Gowns

Centennial Dry CleanersHighest quality dry cleaning performed in stores owned by the President of the Dry Cleaning Institute of NSW.

Centennial Dry Cleaners